Economic Data for 1997 as of February 26, 1997 (comparison with 1996)
Achievements and Statistics

GDP growth by 5.2 %
GDP growth vs. population growth +3.2%
Volume of industrial output +12.7 % /+6.5% than in 1990/1996
Growth of capital investments by 17%
Foreign trade volume $9bln.

Increase of output

Industry 106.5%
Agriculture 105.8%
Engineering 102.6%
Trade 112.7%
Paid services 121.3%


Actual grain harvest 3.365 mln. tons
Planned grain harvest for 1998 3.895 mln. tons
Grain consumption 4.5 mln. tons
Raw cotton harvest 3.7 mln. tons
Profit from cotton export $1.58 bln

Consumer goods output volume +11.2%
Budget deficit 2.2% to GDP
Level of money print 7.8% vs. 26% in 1996
Monthly inflation 2.1% twice less than 1996
Population income +10.5%
~ between high and low income 7.5 times

Budget expenditures

Social and cultural events 123 bln.soums (40%)
Social security 30 bln.soums
Construction of health care units
supply of gas and water
34 bln.soums

New housing area 6.7 mln.sq.m
(5.4 mln.sq.m in rural)
Construction of schools 64, 000 seats
Construction of hospitals and clinics 1,500 seats and 11,700 visits per shift
New gas and water networks 4,900 km and 1,800 km
Children welfare under 16 9.6 bln.soums
Mastered capital investments 270 bln.soums (+17%)
63% in manufacturing industry
Mastered foreign investments $1.1 bln. (+1.3%)
New compressor station at
Kokdumalak gas deposit field
2.5 bln.cub.m annual output

Newly constructed sites

Bukhara oil refinery
Kokand spirit factory
Yangiyul biochemical plant
Tashlak textile factory
Chorsu sports complex
Yunusabad tennis court
Center for invalids rehabilitation
Tashkent, Ferghana and Navoi centers for poliomyelitis

Capital investments in transportation
and communication
54 bln.soums
Investment projects with foreign
credits and investments
23 of 57 projects launched
in 1995-1996 achieved
Joint ventures with foreign investments 3,200 (80 countries involved)
Foreign trade $9 bln.
Export destinations 78 countries
Export items cotton, ferrus metals,
yarn, gasoline, vehicles

Export growth

on account of gas and oil by four times
vehicles by 7.4 times
chemical viscose fibre by 6.8 times
cloth by 64%

Import reduction

flour products,
sugar and confectionery
flour five-fold
hard and soft drinks 17-fold
mineral fuel and oil 2.5-fold
cloth seven-fold
shoes 4-fold

74% of import equipment and goods for
technological and production purposes
Volume of foreign currency sold at currency exchange $3.5 bln.
Number of banks with foreign currency operation 27


Unprofittable enterprises 302
Their loss 3.8 bln.soums
Bankrupt enterprises 145 of 2,096 audited
136 enterprises shut down
Debitor debt and credit debt of
state companies to government
50.2/80.3 bln.soums


Uzbek Oil and Gas
Uzbek Chemical Industry
Ministry of Communal Service
Minister of Agriculture and Water Management
Uzvodstroy concern
Uzbek Light Industry

Unsold goods 21.3 bln.soums
Unsold stockpiled goods Uzmashprom, Uzavtotrans, Uzeltechprom
Unsold shares of existing
joint stock companies
39 bln.soums
Mastered foreign credits $1.5 mln of $350 mln. assigned

Comparative Economic Data for C.I.S.
(as of March 31, 1998)

Dynamics of Growth of GDP in C.I.S. between 1991-1997 (ratio to 1990)

Country 1990 1991 1991 to 1990 1992 1992 to 1991 1993 1993 to 1992 1994 1994 to 1993 1995 1995 to 1994 1996 1996 to 1995 1997 1997 to 1996
Uzbekistan10099.599.58989.98697.7 8294.88198.88310287105.2
Belarus1009998.88990.483 89.4 7287.4659066102.673110
Moldova1008382.559715898.8 6969.16898.1629263101
Kazakstan10089898494.775 89.4 6687.46191.861101.162102
Kyrgyzstan1009292.27986.167 84.5 5479.95294.654105.660110
Russia10095958185.574 91.3 6587.36295.95995.159100.4
Armenia1008888.35158.247 91.2 49105.453106.456105.458103
Azerbaijan1009999.37777.459 76.9 4880.3428842101.344105.8
Georgia1007978.94455.131 70.7 33108.735103.338111.242111.2
Ukraine1009191.38290.171 85.8 5477.14887.843904297

Dynamics of Growth of Industrial Output in C.I.S. between 1991-1997 (ratio to 1990)

Country 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
Uzbekistan100101.594.7 98.199.7100106112.7
Belarus1009989.7 80.766.959.16171
Kyrgyzstan10099.773.4 54.839.532.43551
Ukraine10095.289.1 8259.652.45049
Kazakstan10099.185.4 72.852.3484849
Russia1009275.4 64.851.349.64848
Armenia10092.347.8 42.945.246.24747
Azerbaijan100104.880 74.457.547.64444
Moldova10088.964.8 654745.24241
Georgia10077.441.9 30.818.616.81819

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